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Techniques sections of encaustic art - iron & stylus - hot air work - hotplate work - making encaustic paint - lots more.
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Go to this INDEX to find starting points for DEVELOPING your encaustic art
INDEX page for option for REFINING encaustic approaches

1989 - 1992 Developing the products

Encaustic Painting Set - 1989 ...and the back of the box.
In 1989 Michael and a partner in the UK formed a company to produce the "ENCAUSTIC PAINTING SET". This contained 24 waxes, some cards, the iron and instructions. Just before Christmas 1989 this set was demonstrated in Hamley's - the world famous toy store in London's Regent Street. The product was well received during the demonstration, but once it was simply on a shelf, with no one showing just how wonderful results could be, sales slowed. Michael went to USA in 1990 to a trade show in Philadelphia but the price was too high after import margins, so in October 1990 this product was discontinued and he company, Encaustic Enterprizes Ltd, made dormant.

The original Arts Encaustic Logo - 1990        The box that built Arts Encaustic
To recover the business Shona Bossom started ARTS ENCAUSTIC in 1990. They made a small kit which was packed by hand. It contained 12 waxes, 30 cards, instructions and re-order information. This box was sold mostly by direct marketing through big retail shows in the UK. This lead to mail-order growth too and formed the basis for today's availability of encaustic waxes around the globe

Arts Encaustic International was founded in 1991- consolidated in 1992       Comprehensive International range branded 'ENCAUSTIC ART'  1991/92
In 1991 Michael met Cor van Empel, a business man from Holland with a school supply business in several countries. Together they formed Arts Encaustic International and brought into being the Encaustic Art range of specialised products. These included the high quality painting iron, low-heat stylus, 27 colours of encaustic art wax block, painting card, booklet & book, video, etc.
ALL ARE AVAILABLE ON-LINE in our product catalog

As with all good ideas there is imitation. If this helps spread it around the world it can only be helpful. In the end the best products prove themselves.


Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401