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1987... encaustic paintings start to sell

this type of image was sold to tourists in 1987 First fantasy art works in early 1987
..after a few weeks and lots of playing around with making images, Michael started to offer wax artworks similar to this one, to the tourists who visit St.David's in West Wales. There was a lot of interest, and so encouraged, he continue and started to develop a business out of this simplest beginning. Working with wax is conducive to imaginative art and the effects created by the interplay of iron and wax colour stimulated fantasy landscapes that "emerge" during the activity of "painting".
adding graphics to landscapes Michael at work in 1989
The next step for the artwork was to enable better and more controllable working of the wax, essential if graphics and fine artwork was to be attainable. The first efforts used a soldering iron which had to be flicked on for just a few seconds in order to keep the heat down NOTE -this is dangerous so please use the purpose made low-heat stylus tool now available. People saw how simple and effective the techniques of iron and wax could be. Soon, many started to ask for supplies so Michael started to sell the wax block colours and the sealed surface card he was using to others. Mail-order began and by 1988 was growing well. During this year he left the wood business and put his trust into encaustic products. It has proved to be a wise decision and the business grew into a living.

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401