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Index of Michael Bossom Artist Who is Michael Bossom ?
Michael Bossom . Wales
Born in Devon, England 1956. Moved to Wales in 1962. Grew up on a farm then trained as a carpenter in 1972-1976. Worked with wood : house building, furniture making and finally as a professional Wood Turner (until 1987). Then encaustic took over.

"I was inspired to try using coloured waxes with heated tools through the work of a French Canadian named Jean Marie Giraud. We bought an oil pastel / wax painting of his in the UK in 1986. After a few weeks of playing around with some techniques I started selling Artwork which is what encouraged me to continue & develop the ideas around today.

In artwork I refer to the use of heat with melted wax as "encaustic". Encaustic work demands that heat be a part of the process. My main effort over the last decade has been to bring a set of simple techniques to a broad market. This has caused much activity around the world and across Europe helping stimulate the manifestation of several ranges of product : heat-tools, waxes & information.

The artwork and ideas on this site are not all to do with Encaustic art, although I'm best known for that. I enjoy the concept of creativity which is exploration, discovery, movement into the unknown. The concept is simple - " be creative you can't exactly know what you are doing". This requires a certain attitude of trust or faith. On many occasions things have not developed as I had originally conceived or expected, but even experiences I did not willingly choose have proven valuable and indeed, vital."

Index of Michael Bossom Artist"

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401