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Lieve Goeman
Lieve Goeman . Belgium Back to Artist's Index

Born in 1944 in a small Belgian village called Oudegem, Lieve trained and became a teacher. After her marriage in 1969 she moved to a tourist place Kasterlee, where her love of drawing and painting led her to an Art School for 6 years. She discovered Encaustic Art a few years ago and loved the technique right away because it offers so much to discover in the colors and shapes.

...go the the American Landscape page by Lieve Goeman
...American Landscapes

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...flower subjects

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... about Lieve Goeman
Go to the modern wax art work of Lieve Goeman
...modern artwork

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...gardens and nature

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401