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Janette Shead. England Back to Artist's Index

Stylus and Photo realistic images in wax
Janette works with care and attention using the stylus to create these photo realistic images - many of which she does on commission terms, where exact replication of the original must match the image in the mind of the commissioning party. That target will stretch and test any talent to its full, and Janette proves herself excellent in this, over and over again.

Janette Shead Encaustic ARtist - Old Nick Traction Engine - a commission Janette Shead Encaustic ARtist - Iris and moth - a commission Janette Shead Encaustic ARtist - Marshall Tractor - a commission Janette Shead Encaustic ARtist - OWL - a commission
Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Pheasent - a commission Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Poppy - a commission Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Smack: the original is amazing - a commission

Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Tessa - a German Shepherd in photo realistic wax colour - a commission

Janette Shead - Summers Tree of LIfe - encaustic art Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Wren as on the original background

Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - Wren

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Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - wren - head detail Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - wren - tail detail Janette Shead Encaustic Artist - wren - feet detail Back to Artist's Index

Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401