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John Buckland
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John Buckland . Wales Back to Artist's Index
Encaustic landscapes
John Buckland's landscape images are strongly drawn from the North Wales countryside in which he lives and works. Whether depicting an actual place or developing an imagined or altered "mindscape", John's work is always creative and worthwhile.
Snowden Lake by John Buckland 200,000 BC by John Buckland Blue Morning by John Buckland
North wales - Snowdonia 2 by John Buckland Wales Walk by John Buckland Early Morning by John Buckland
Carrog by John Buckland Lonely Track - Encaustic artwork by John Buckland Rocky Mountain - ENCAUSTIC by John Buckland
Mountain Walk by John Buckland Arctic Spring - encaustic by John Buckland Sundown - encaustic by John Buckland
Untitled - encaustic by John Buckland - hotplate North wales - Snowdonia 1 by John Buckland

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  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401