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Encaustic Art Coloured Kraft Art Painting Card
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Coloured card used as a support material can offer interesting differences to the results achieved. The 250gm card surface is gloss on the coloured side - the back is not intended for encaustic use. It comes in 6 colours & sizes A5, A4 & A3 - A2 is available by special bulk order.
'A' sizes explained

# 99538905

* When you begin encaustic art exploration use non-absorbent surfaced card like this ( or better still the white card ) to enable easy re-working. Once you have had some practise of how the wax behaves on non-absorbent card you can try other surfaces.

As well as being a great card surface for painting encaustic onto, this coloured card material can also be highly effective as backing card for mounting any finished encaustic artworks. A single or double coloured card border can make a striking difference to completed artwork!

Colour code: 10

BRONZE Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

The metallic feel of this card works well for fantasy of abstract & also 'oriental' style simplistic imagery.
A5 #99538510
A4 #99538410
A3 #99538310

Colour code: 11

BLACK Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

Wonderful when used with white wax, metallic wax colours or any pastel shades - a definite favorite support material!
A5 #99538511
A4 #99538411
A3 #99538311

Colour code: 12

RED Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

Green translucent wax used on red card looks black - they are opposites in the colour wheel. Experiment! Red is also an excellent 'eye-catcher' used as a thin vibrant strip border in mounting your art.
A5 #99538512
A4 #99538412
A3 #99538312

Colour code: 13

CREAM Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

Softer than a white reflective surface, this cream is a great alternative in landscape & encourages splendid sepia styles too.
A5 #99538513
A4 #99538413
A3 #99538313

Colour code: 14

GOLD Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

Gold with a dark colour like black, brown or blue, can offer lovely results. It also works well as a scraper board style material in this manner.
A5 #99538514
A4 #99538414
A3 #99538314

Colour code: 15

SILVER Kraft Art encaustic coloured card

Silver is good with dark contrasting wax colours & blue is often a good choice. Night time, winter time, cool & magical places.
A5 #99538515
A4 #99538415
A3 #99538315

MIXED 24 sheet packs containing 4 of each above colour.

A good choice if you want to try out the 6 colours in any of A5, A4 or A3 sizes.
A5 #99538905
A4 #99538904
A3 #99538903

Sizes range from A6 to A2
The card is a 250 gms weight.
It is NOT acid free, but IS very good material for encaustic art & other art & craft display uses.

Wax sits on the surface of the coloured encaustic art painting card allowing re-working at any future time. The wax adheres reasonably to the slick glossy surface, but it is best to make the final artwork rigid by gluing to a board or similar so that the card can no linger flex (cardboard / ply / MDF / masonite/ etc.).

Cracking of thicker wax areas or flaking off is not a problem unless the card is flexed.

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401