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John Buckland
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John Buckland . Wales Back to Artist's Index
Encaustic Wax Fantasy Scapes

Combinations of abstract and landscape blend in the mind of John Buckland as he melts the coloured waxes on the hotplate , with a hot air gun , an iron or whatever comes to hand that will do the job. Lots of tissue rubbing with the waxed card on a hotplate surface have made some of these fascinating effects. John teaches this...

Plantlife by John Buckland Hobbits Pool by John Buckland Wood by John Buckland
reptiles Hideaway by John Buckland Waterfall by John Buckland Secret Place by John Buckland
Fall - encaustic hotplate artwork by John Buckland A Place to Ponder - encaustic hottable by John Buckland

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Arts Encaustic Ltd, Glogue, Pembrokeshire SA36 0ED UK
  Tel: +44 (0)1239 831401